The core plugin provides tasks, settings, and helpers that are the fundamental building blocks for most tomo deployments. This plugin is always loaded and available, even if it is not explicitly declared in the configuration file.
Name | Purpose | Default |
application |
The name of the application being deployed | "default" |
concurrency |
The maximum number of threads to use when deploying to multiple hosts at once | 10 |
current_path |
Location of the symlink that points to the currently deployed release | "%{deploy_to}/current" |
deploy_to |
The root directory under which all tomo data, releases, etc. are stored | "/var/www/%{application}" |
keep_releases |
Number of releases to keep when pruning old releases with the core:clean_releases task | 10 |
linked_dirs |
Array of directory names that will be symlinked from the shared directory into each release by the core:symlink_shared task | [] |
linked_files |
Array of file names that will be symlinked from the shared directory into each release by the core:symlink_shared task | [] |
local_user |
User name that will be written to the revision log and the release JSON file as the “deploy user”. | $USER , $USERNAME , or whoami |
releases_path |
Directory where the deploy command creates releases | "%{deploy_to}/releases" |
release_json_path |
Path where the core:write_release_json task will write a JSON file describing the release | "%{release_path}/.tomo_release.json" |
revision_log_path |
Path where the core:log_revision task will append a log message with the date and time of the release | "%{deploy_to}/revisions.log" |
run_args |
A special read-only setting where tomo places any extra arguments that are passed to the run command | [] |
shared_path |
Directory where files shared between releases are stored; used by core:symlink_shared | "%{deploy_to}/shared" |
ssh_connect_timeout |
The number of seconds tomo will wait before it gives up when trying to open an SSH connection | 5 |
ssh_executable |
The name (or full path) of the ssh executable | "ssh" |
ssh_extra_opts |
An array of extra command line arguments that tomo will pass to every invocation of the ssh executable | ["-o", "PasswordAuthentication=no"] |
ssh_forward_agent |
Whether to forward authentication when connecting via SSH; needed for seamless git+ssh | true |
ssh_reuse_connections |
Whether to use ControlMaster to keep connections open across multiple invocations of ssh; setting this to false will slow down tomo significantly |
true |
ssh_strict_host_key_checking |
Use "accept-new" for a good compromise of security and convenience, true for most security, false for most convenience; note that older versions of ssh do not understand the "accept-new" option |
"accept-new" |
tmp_path |
Directory where the setup command stages temporary files | "/tmp/tomo-#{SecureRandom.alphanumeric(8)}" |
tomo_config_file_path |
A special read-only setting containing the path to the config.rb file that was used to configure tomo |
"/path/to/.tomo/config.rb" |
Creates the :deploy_to
, :shared_path
, and :releases_path
directories so that other tasks that rely on these directories can work. This is one of the first tasks that should be run as part of setup.
Creates a symlink for each directory listed in the :linked_dirs
setting and each file in :linked_files
. The symlink will point to the directory or file of the same name inside the shared directory. This allows these directories and files to be shared across all releases. Note that if a directory or file already exists in the release, that directory or file will be deleted or overwritten prior to creating the link.
For example, given this configuration:
set linked_dirs: ["public/assets"]
set linked_files: ["config/database.yml"]
Calling this task will run:
mkdir -p /var/www/my-app/shared/public/assets \
cd /var/www/my-app/releases/20190604204415 && rm -rf public/assets
ln -sf /var/www/my-app/shared/public/assets \
ln -sfn /var/www/my-app/shared/config/database.yml \
is intended for use as a deploy task. If :linked_dirs
and :linked_files
are both empty, running this task has no effect.
Promotes the release that is currently being deployed to become the “current” release by updating the current symlink. core:symlink_shared
is intended for use as a deploy task. It is typically run after all build steps have completed (bundler:install, rails:db_migrate, rails:assets_precompile, etc.).
Deletes old releases while maintaining the most recent releases and keeping the current release. The total number of releases kept will be based on the :keep_releases
setting. If this setting is absent or zero, running this task has no effect. If you are continuously deploying your application in an automated fashion, the releases can quickly fill up disk space if they are not pruned; hence the need for this task.
is intended for use as a deploy task. It is typically run at the end of a deployment once everything else has succeeded.
Writes a JSON file to the location specified by the :release_json_path
setting. This file will contain a JSON object with properties that describe the release. Here is an example:
"ref": "main",
"author": "",
"revision": "0d1cb3212e2f9c43aa49fb172d8d9c726163cecf",
"revision_date": "2019-06-01 17:23:48 -0700",
"deploy_date": "2019-06-05 19:00:26 -0700",
"deploy_user": "mbrictson"
Appends a message to a log file specified by the :revision_log_path
setting. The message contains information about the release. Here is an example entry:
2019-06-05 19:00:26 -0700 - 0d1cb3212e2f9c43aa49fb172d8d9c726163cecf (main) deployed by mbrictson
All of these methods are available on instances of Remote and accept the same options
as Remote#run.
remote.capture(*command, **options) → String
Run the given command, returning the stdout of that command. If the command did not write to stdout, then return an empty String. Note that stderr is ignored, and an exception will be thrown if the command fails.
remote.capture("echo", "hello") # => "hello\n"*command, **options) → true or false
Run the given command, returning true
if the command succeeded (exit status of 0) or false
# If java is not installed in the $PATH"which", "java") # => false
remote.write(text:/template:, to:, append: false, **options) → Tomo::Result
Write the given text
(a String) or the text resulting from merging the given template
(a local path to an ERB template file) to the remote path specified by to:
. Refer to the merge_template documentation for details on tomo’s ERB templating behavior.
If append
is false
(the default), the remote file will completely replaced; if true
, the file will be appended to. This is designed for small amounts of text (e.g. configuration files), not large or binary data.
remote.write text: "hello world!\n",
to: paths.shared.join("greetings.txt"),
append: true
remote.write template: File.expand_path("unicorn.service.erb", __dir__),
to: ".config/systemd/user/unicorn.service"
remote.ln_sf(target, link, **options) → Tomo::Result
Create a symlink on the remote host at the path specified at link
that points to target
. Deletes any existing file that already exists at the link
path prior to creating the symlink.
remote.ln_sf(paths.shared.join(".env"), paths.release.join(".env"))
# $ ln -sf /var/www/my-app/shared/.env /var/www/my-app/releases/20190604204415/.env
remote.ln_sfn(target, link, **options) → Tomo::Result
Like ln_sf
but also passes the -n
flag, which allows an existing link
to be deleted even if it is a symlink to a directory.
remote.mkdir_p(*directories, **options) → Tomo::Result
Creates one or more directories on the remote host.
remote.mkdir_p(paths.current.dirname, paths.shared)
# $ mkdir -p /var/www/my-app /var/www/my-app/shared
remote.rm_rf(*paths, **options) → Tomo::Result
Deletes one or more files or directories on the remote host.
# $ rm -rf /tmp/tomo-a4DBHX0P
remote.list_files(directory=nil, **options) → [String]
Lists non-hidden files in the specified directory. If directory
is omitted, the default SSH login directory is used (typically the deploy user’s home directory). The result will be an array of the directory contents.
remote.list_files("/var/www/my-app") # => ["current", "releases", "revision.log", shared"]
remote.command_available?(command_name, **options) → true or false
Runs which
on the remote host to determine whether the given command_name
is an available executable. Returns true
if an executable exists, false
remote.command_available?("java") # => false
remote.file?(file, **options) → true or false
Uses the shell expression [ -f ]
to test whether the given file
exists on the remote host. Returns true
if the path exists and is a normal file, false
remote.file?(".bashrc") # => true
remote.executable?(file, **options) → true or false
Uses the shell expression [ -x ]
to test whether the given file
exists on the remote host. Returns true
if the path exists and is executable, false
remote.executable?("/usr/bin/git") # => true, **options) → true or false
Uses the shell expression [ -d ]
to test whether the given directory
exists on the remote host. Returns true
if the path exists and is a directory, false
otherwise."/opt") # => true