
The env plugin manages environment variables on the remote host. It does this by creating an envrc file on the remote host and modifying the .bashrc of the deploy user so that the envrc is always loaded (for both interactive and non-interactive SSH sessions). There are two ways to specify the environment variables that are stored in the envrc file:

  1. Use env:set via the command line like tomo run env:set NAME[=VALUE] ... to explicitly set or modify environment variables
  2. Specify the :env_vars setting in the tomo configuration and then run the env:update task

Note that in order for these tasks to work, you must first run env:setup to ensure the deploy user’s .bashrc is properly configured to read from the envrc file that is managed by this plugin.


Name Purpose Default
bashrc_path Location of the deploy user’s .bashrc file ".bashrc"
env_path Location of the envrc file on the remote host "%{deploy_to}/envrc"
env_vars A hash of environment variable names and values that will configured on the remote host; see env:update for details {}



Performs an env:update and then modifies the deploy user’s bashrc so that the envrc is automatically loaded for all future SSH sessions. Specifically, this is what is added to the top of the .bashrc file:

if [ -f /var/www/my-app/envrc ]; then
  . /var/www/my-app/envrc

env:setup is intended for use as a setup task. It must be run before other env tasks.


Ensures that all environment variables that are specified in the :env_vars setting are present in the envrc file on the remote host, modifying the envrc file if necessary. For example, given this config:

set env_vars: { RAILS_ENV: "production", PUMA_THREADS: 20 }

This task will ensure that the envrc file is updated to include:

export RAILS_ENV=production
export PUMA_THREADS=20


For environment variables that are used for API keys or other sensitive data, you can specify :prompt instead of the actual value. In this case tomo will prompt interactively for the value the first time it is needed. For example:

set env_vars: { DATABASE_URL: :prompt }

The first time env:update is run, tomo will prompt for the value:

$ tomo deploy
tomo deploy v1.0.0
→ Connecting to user@app.example.com
• env:update

Once the environment variable exists in the envrc file, tomo will no longer prompt for it.


Similarly, for environment variables that requires a randomly generated secret value, like SECRET_KEY_BASE, you can specify :generate_secret. In this case, tomo will generate a value using SecureRandom.hex(64) the first time it is needed.

set env_vars: { SECRET_KEY_BASE: :generate_secret }

env:update is intended for use as a deploy task. It should be run at the beginning of a deploy to ensure that the environment has all the latest values before other tasks are run.


Set one or more environment variables in the remote envrc file. This task is intended for use with run and takes command-line arguments. There are two forms:

# Set the remote envrc var named KEY to have VALUE
$ tomo run env:set KEY=VALUE
# Prompt interactively for the value of KEY and then set it in the remote envrc
$ tomo run env:set KEY


Remove one or more environment variables from the remote envrc file. This task is intended for use with run and takes command-line arguments.

# Remove the remote envrc var named KEY
$ tomo run env:unset KEY


Display the contents of the remote envrc file. This task is intended for use with run.

$ tomo run env:show
tomo run v1.0.0
→ Connecting to deployer@app.example.com
• env:show
✔ Ran env:show on deployer@app.example.com